By deliberately choosing this broad statement, we wanted on one hand to be able to cover the breadth of the Orthopaedic and Traumatology specialty and on the other, also inspire some stability, if possible, especially in times of uncertain outcomes but striving to find new visions.

The word “stability”, as a magic word in motion analysis and mobility in general, helps us looking back, for just a little while, on the progress made over the many years.

And if at the beginning treatments employed traction techniques, in England Charnley introduced new approaches for hip replacement and later internal fixation of fractures through nailing and plating had a direct impact on shorter hospitals stays, today’s discussions include, besides the scientific perspectives, the right to be more intermodular and inclusive. 

EFORT brings a network of passionate professionals using their experience and knowledge. As orthopaedic surgeons we must have the ability to tackle one of the global issues, how to help the world’s ageing population stay fit and healthy into increasing old age.

However the growing musculoskeletal burden faces financial restrictions. The workload of nurses and surgeons can lead to burnout, weaknesses of healthcare systems are emerging more and more everywhere.

So how to keep clinical progress, transfer of knowledge and the human factor in balance with the needs (and constraints) of our economies?

We are back in the beautiful city of Vienna. Our wish was to develop an inspiring scientific programme and to energise participants through presentations, debates and discussions of these burning issues.

Topics such as 3D before surgery, 3D printing for patient specific implants, robotics as another growing area in orthopaedic surgery, biological implants, technological advances in the diagnostic equipment will be at the forefront of this 24th EFORT Annual Congress.

Virtual reality and artificial intelligence belong to the future of our discipline and represent real opportunities for cost effective treatments sustained by expensive technology.

Surgeons, manufacturers and policy makers can contribute in protecting resources so as to fulfil the patients’ satisfaction, namely the need of treatments with proven long-term benefits.

Come and join us to see where Orthopaedic & Traumatology will stand in the future.

Nested Applications

LYO25 President

Prof. Dr.
EFORT President 2024/2025

LYO25 Scientific advisor portrait

Prof. Dr.
Chair EFORT Science Committee