Nested Applications
Presentation of Posters can be based on preliminary results and correspond to short studies or trials. High scientific level is expected in any case.
- Authors are welcome to add images, tables and detailed data to better document their work.
- All abstracts accepted as Posters will be presented at the Congress as wall paper posters in a large display area within the EFORT Congress Exhibition Area.
- EFORT does not undertake any action for the printing of accepted Posters.
- The availability of the correct print poster version on-site is totally under the presenting author’s responsibility.
- Pre-upload of the electronic version of each Poster is mandatory to receive a physical space for display. Please consult the Poster Format Presentation Delivery Guidelines.
- Poster Walks Sessions group the 10 best rated posters of each topic and require the presence of the corresponding presenting author in front of his/her Poster during the whole schedule of 90 minutes.
- Authors will be required to explain their results during 5 minutes and reply to one question from the examiner. Should the presenter not be in his position, the Poster will not be evaluated.
- From all the presentations of the same Poster Walk, the best discussion will receive a special distinction (certificate and award ribbon).
Please note that not all posters will be selected to be orally presented during a Poster Walk. Authors will receive specific guidelines regarding each Poster.
- Posters should be prepared under a single slide PowerPoint® file with a portrait DIN A0 format in vertical display.
- Please consult the document with our Guidelines for poster format | PDF document | 1 page | 700 kb.
- Only posters under the correct format and orientation will be displayed on site.
All Posters correctly validated will be included in the scientific programme of the 26th EFORT Annual Congress Lyon 2025.
The presentation of validated Posters will require 2 mandatory steps:
- Upload of the electronic version of the poster on our portal from April 2025.
- Bring a print version of the poster to the congress venue in Lyon, France.
Please also note that:
- Every poster will be displayed only during one day: a rotation of Posters displayed will apply on site.
- The 30 Best Posters, will compete for the Jacques Duparc Award. Authors of these selected 30 Posters will be informed on how to integrate the competition.
- Two types of on-site presentations can apply to Posters:
- Posters accepted within Poster Walks – Authors are required to stay in front of their Poster and explain their results during 5 minutes to an examiner in their field.
- Posters accepted within Poster Sessions – Authors are NOT required to stay in front of their Poster but EFORT strongly recommends all authors to be active during the discussions within the Poster Session schedules.
All authors will receive the information regarding the final type of each accepted Poster.
For any further information please contact EFORT Scientific Coordination at: [email protected]
EFORT, as the European leading platform for high quality musculoskeletal research, wishes to run once more for the upcoming edition of its annual congress, a session focusing on the presentation of the best papers from each National Member Society. To showcase the best available research to the widest audience of Orthopaedics and Trauma (O&T) surgeons in Europe, this EFORT initiative aims at increasing the level of the scientific programme and creating an attractive milieu for the participants.
- Involve the National Member Societies in the scientific content building of the EFORT congress.
- Stimulate the National Member Societies to focus on high quality science.
- Stimulate networking between representatives of all National Member Societies.
- Create a Research Culture within the EFORT community.
Selection Process
Each EFORT National Member Society will be invited to choose their Best National Paper through a transparent process following their own selection criteria. Complete contact details of the selected Best National Paper candidate for each country has been forwarded to EFORT for further consideration through a restricted submission process.
Best National Papers should in any case correspond to a complete research study unpublished at the time of selection by the National Society. No clinical reports will be considered.
Abstracts should be written in English. Diagrams, tables or pictures are not permitted, only text is accepted. The following structure is mandatory:
- Title: minimum 25 / maximum 250 characters
- Keywords: minimum 3 / maximum 7 keywords – chosen to identify the abstract on an electronic search
- Abstract: minimum 1000 / maximum 3600 characters – under five mandatory sections
Background – Why is your study needed? What do we know Vs. what gaps are there in our knowledge?
Objectives – What is the research question your study aims to answer?
Design and Methods – Outline how the study was conducted.
Results – Briefly summarise the findings, quoting supporting data.
Conclusion – Briefly discuss your results and what your study adds – only based on your own findings.
Presentation Format
All Best National Papers correctly fulfilling the EFORT criteria will be accepted for presentation during the congress. All accepted Best National Papers will be displayed as wall paper posters during the 3 days of the congress, in a prominent, dedicated area. On the first day of the congress, a Poster Walk Session will take place during which at least one author from each Best National Paper will present the results in a 5-minutes discussion with two moderators.
Authors with the best scores for poster presentations will have the chance to further discuss their results during an Oral Session (podium presentation embedded in the congress programme). Indeed, out of the poster presentations, six (6) Best National Papers will be selected for an Oral Session running on the second day of the congress.
Each selected Best National Paper will be allocated 6 minutes for presentation followed by a 3-minutes discussion with the audience and the moderators. At the end of the 60-minutes oral session, attendees from the audience will use an electronic voting system to choose the three best oral presentations.
The names of the winners will be announced in an award hand-over at the end of the session.
Therefore, EFORT recommends to the presenting authors of all the accepted Best National Papers to have their results ready under both types of support, by consulting the specific guidelines as follows:
Attendance & Recognition
EFORT requires that all presenting authors of a Best National Paper complete his/her full registration to the congress under the authors’ registration deadline which is to be announced soon.
Presenting authors of each Best National Paper will receive a certificate. The three Best National Paper winners will receive an EFORT Special Distinction certificate and gift.
Preliminary Programme subject to changes!
Preliminary Programme subject to changes!