Nested Applications


EFORT, as the European leading platform for high quality musculoskeletal research, wishes to implement for the upcoming edition of its annual congress, a new session focusing on the presentation of the best papers from each National Member Society. To showcase the best available research to the widest audience of Orthopaedics and Trauma (O&T) surgeons in Europe, this EFORT initiative aims at increasing the level of the scientific programme and creating an attractive milieu for the participants.


  • Involve the National Member Societies in the scientific content building of the EFORT congress.
  • Stimulate the National Member Societies to focus on high quality science.
  • Stimulate networking between representatives of all National Member Societies.
  • Create a Research Culture within the EFORT community

Selection Process

Each EFORT National Member Society has been invited to choose their Best National Paper through a transparent process following their own selection criteria. Complete contact details of the selected Best National Paper candidate for each country has been forwarded to EFORT for further consideration.

Please note this is a restricted submission process, and only candidates named by their National Societies are eligible to submit their research piece of work. All abstracts should fulfil the EFORT abstract mandatory requirements (see below).

Abstract Format

Best National Papers should in any case correspond to a complete research study unpublished at the time of selection by the National Society. No clinical reports will be considered.

Abstracts should be written in English. Diagrams, tables or pictures are not permitted, only text is accepted. The following structure is mandatory:

  • Title: minimum 25 / maximum 250 characters.
  • Keywords: minimum 3 / maximum 7 keywords – chosen to identify the abstract on an electronic search.
  • Abstract: minimum 1000 / maximum 3600 characters – under five mandatory sections.

Abstract Content Structure

  • Background – Why is your study needed? What do we know Vs. what gaps are there in our knowledge?
  • Objectives – What is the research question your study aims to answer?
  • Design and Methods – Outline how the study was conducted.
  • Results – Briefly summarise the findings, quoting supporting data.
  • Conclusion – Briefly discuss your results and what your study adds – only based on your own findings.

Presentation Format

All Best National Papers correctly fulfilling the EFORT criteria will be accepted for presentation during the congress. All accepted Best National Papers will be displayed as wall paper posters during the 3 days of the congress, in a prominent, dedicated area. On the first day of the congress, a Poster Walk Session will take place during which at least one author from each Best National Paper will present the results in a 5-minutes discussion with two moderators.

Authors with the best scores for poster presentations will have the chance to further discuss their results during an Oral Session (podium presentation embedded in the congress programme). Indeed, out of the poster presentations, nine (9) Best National Papers will be selected for an Oral Session running on the second day of the congress (15:00-16:30). Each selected Best National Paper is allocated 6 minutes for presentation followed by a 3-minutes discussion with the audience and the moderators. At the end of the 90-minutes oral session, attendees from the audience will use an electronic voting system (within the congress App) to choose the three best oral presentations. The names of the winners will be announced in a special award hand-over session later the same day.

Therefore, EFORT recommends to the presenting authors of all the accepted Best National Papers to have their results ready under both types of support, by consulting the specific guidelines as follows:

EFORT Selection Committee

The EFORT Selection Committee for the Best National Paper Poster Walk consists of two Orthopaedics & Traumatology experts from different countries, other than the countries presenting in the group they are moderating. A predefined scoring grid will be used in order to have unique scoring criteria and transparency in the selection process.

The selection during the Best National Paper Oral Session is directly driven by the audience voting.

Attendance & Recognition

EFORT requires that all presenting authors of a Best National Paper complete his/her full registration to the congress under the authors’ registration deadline which is Friday 28 February 2025.

  • Presenting authors of each Best National Paper will receive a recognition ribbon for their congress badge.
  • Paper poster supports of each Best National Paper will receive a recognition rosette mentioning the country participating in the selection.
  • The three Best National Paper winners will receive an EFORT Special Distinction certificate and gift.

Preliminary Programme subject to changes!