Nested Applications


The below floor plan is the exhibition floor plan for the 26th EFORT Annual Congress Lyon 2025.

Please note that now the priority allocation deadline has passed, this EFORT exhibition floor plan will be UPDATED ON A REGULAR BASIS. Please check back on this page frequently to see all the changes and the latest bookings.

To book an exhibition space, please fill in the order form to secure your preferred location in the above floorplan.

EFORT Congress Lyon 2025 | Preliminary Exhibition Floor Plan

Note: Floorplan may be subject to changes | Last update as of 21 MARCH 225

- Available booths highlighted in GREEN -
PDF DOCUMENT | 1 page | 48.9Mb

To book an exhibition space, please fill in the order form to secure your preferred location in the above floorplan. 

We thank you for your collaboration and please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] should you need any further information.

Note: Floorplans may be subject to changes
PDF document | 1 pages | 11.5Mb

Centre de Congrès de Lyon - CCL

 50 quai Charles de Gaulle  | 69463 Lyon Cedex 06 | France


  +33 (0)4 72 82 26 26

 Latitude - 45°78'51.676''N  | Longitude - 4°85'28.885''E



Lyon is at the heart of a comprehensive motorway network linking France’s major cities and main European capitals. Ideally located in the heart of Europe, the Lyon Convention Centre is just 1 hour away from Geneva, Switzerland; 3 hours away from Turin, Italy;  4 hours away from Paris, capital city of France; 4.5 hours away from Milan, Italy and 5 hours away from Barcelona, Spain by car.

Road Périphérique Nord and exit at Porte de Saint Clair | GPS coordinates: Latitude : 45°78'51.676''N | Longitude : 4°85'28.885''E.

The venue has 3 carparks onsite in the heart of the Cité Internationale district. 

  • P0 – 1 000 parking spaces, maximum vehicle height : 1.90 m
  • P1 – 1 150 parking spaces, maximum vehicle height : 1.90 m Save 30% on parking by booking your parking space on OPnGO 
  • P2 – 1 200 places, parking spaces, maximum vehicle height : 2.70 m

More information: https://www.ccc-lyon.com/en/getting-lyon-convention-centre


The Transports Communs Lyonnais - TCL, the city’s public transport network offers an extensive multi-modal public transport network thus making it easy to travel in and around Lyon.

To get to the EFORT Congress 2025 Venue:

  • C1 from Lyon Part Dieu train station - Stop at Cité internationale | Centre de Congrès
  • C2 from Lyon Part Dieu train station - Stop at Cité internationale | Transbordeur
  • C4 from the Jean Macé metro station - Stop at Cité internationale | Centre de Congrès
  • C5 from the Cordeliers  metro station - Stop at Cité internationale | Centre de Congrès
  • C26 from the Grange Blanche metro station - Stop at Cité internationale | Transbordeur
  • Bus 70 from Lyon Part Dieu train station  - Stop at Cité internationale | Transbordeur

In lyon there are:

  • Over 120 bus lines serving over 3000 stops. 
  • 4 metro lines.
  • 2 funicular lines. 
  • 5 tramway lines. 

More information: https://www.tcl.fr/en & https://www.tcl.fr/en/journey-planner/interactive-map

Taxis to and from the Venue

There are 1400 taxis can take you to the Lyon Convention Centre.

There are 2 dedicated taxi pick up zones in front of the Lyon Convention Centre

  • Zone 1 : Close to the main entrance at the foot of the bear statue. 
  • Zone 2 : Close to the main amphitheatre

More information and main taxi booking call centres: https://www.ccc-lyon.com/en/getting-lyon-convention-centre#tab5

River Boat Shuttle Service 

A dock for mooring all types of boats is located in front of the Lyon Convention Centre. It is possible to travel by boat to go from the Lyon Convention Centre to the city center or to La Sucrière.

  • Cité internationale to Quai Gailleton (Hotels - Place Bellecour) : 15 minutes
  • Cité internationale to Pont Novotel Gerland (Hotels) : 30 minutes 
  • Cité internationale to La Sucrière : 45 minutes 

More information: https://www.lesbateauxlyonnais.com/en

Using VELO’V (Public bike hire service) 

Five (5) VELO'V stations are available throughout the Cité Internationale district of which one is in front of the main entrance of the CCL and another one close to the main amphitheatre. 

More information: https://velov.grandlyon.com/home